SAILING ROAD to 2020 Logistics Guide
Information to Overseas Teams

1.Official forwarder
Japan Sailing Federation (JSAF) assigns Yamato Global Logistics Japan CO., Ltd. (YGL) as the official forwarder which will deal with questions and inquiries related to international logistics. YGL is the international logistics department of Yamato Holdings Co., Ltd., which is an official partner of TOKYO 2020 regarding logistics.
JSAF strongly recommends you to use its service.
2.Cost of logistics
JSAF will never bear any cost of logistics (international logistics cost, import cost in Japan and domestic logistics cost). Also, we request you to consult with the sailing federations of your country on its responsibility whether you work with YGL or not.
3.In case of using a forwarder other than YGL
In case you use a forwarder other than YGL, please inform the following Contact regarding details such as the name of the forwarder, arrival date and place of the cargo and, if support is required from YGL, you may ask them at least 1 month prior to the arrival date of the cargo. If you do not inform them, cargo may not be accepted at the container storage and may not be delivered as you are planning.
Contact/ Yamato Global Logistics Japan CO., Ltd. (YGL)
Email address only for sailing federations
4. Customs clearance of international cargo
4-1 To handle foreign cargo as domestic cargo an import procedure must be adhered to.
Import duty will be charged for goods to be consumed in Japan or used for more than 1 year in Japan. Each sailing federation shall bear import costs (such as customs clearance, duty, consumption tax etc.) and JSAF will never bear such costs.

4-2 Re-export of goods which are imported temporarily
Goods which duty is exempted and imported temporarily need to be re-exported in the same condition as before. If goods are stolen or sold after re-export duty exemption or imported as ATA Carnet, import duty will be charged. Each sailing federation will be responsible for it.
4-3 ATA Carnet
ATA Carnet is a document for customs clearance based on international rule “Buppin no ichijiyunyu no tame no tsukan techou ni kannsuru tsuukan jouyaku (ATA Treaty)“, which is agreed among major countries. Once you get an ATA Carnet in your country, you can pass import/export customs clearance in Japan easily and quickly as it will be treated as duty exemption. JSAF strongly recommends you to use this structure if you are from ATA member country.
5.Necessary documents
For the transport of international cargo, you will need following documents. Please send the documents one month prior to the arrival date of cargo.
Invoice, ATA Carnet
Packing List
Bill of Lading (B/L)
If you work with YGL, approved copy of quotation
6.Fees and payment
Please fill in the attached【Order Form】 and send it to the YGL Contact 1 month prior to the arrival date of cargo. YGL will contact you and send a quotation within a week.
You will need to pay the fee related to domestic cost in advance. Please pay in Japanese Yen before the delivery including the fees for tax such as duty, consumption tax etc., which will be incurred during import customs clearance. After your payment, we will arrange the delivery. If you ask YGL to handle cargo from your country to Japan as international intermodal transport, you may be able to pay in your country. Please ask YGL. If you will not use YGL, please pay directly from each sailing federation.
Cargo will be delivered only when it has transportation insurance. Please ask YGL when you apply for the logistic of cargo. YGL will give you a quotation. As for insurance other than logistics, each sailing federation should arrange it.
8.Container storage
You can use the ground owned by Kanagawa prefecture which is next to Shonan port as container storage from July 1st 2017 to October 31st 2017. In case you need storage for a container after November 1st 2017, please inform YGL. Japanese law does not allow people to use containers as storage or a living space. Each sailing federation is allowed to keep a maximum of 2 containers. Please contact YGL regarding request for quotation or schedule 1 month prior to the arrival date of cargo.
SAILING ROAD to 2020 Logistics Guide